Title: Weetzie Bat
By: Francesca Lia Block
Publish Date: 10 Anv edition (July 6, 2004)
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN-10: 0060736259
Pages: 128
Classification: Fiction
Genre: Fantasy
Series Titles: Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 128 pages
- Reader's Annotation: A quirky punk-rock girl named Weetzie Bat shares her life with her friends who are all as equally unique and wonderful as Weetzie. They live together in a Hollywood cottage after a Genie grants her three wishes. The fantasy tale unfolds in good and bad ways...
Summary: The first in the Weetzie Bat Books (and of Block's infamous writing career), we are introduced to a girl in high school who is clearly different then most. Until she meets her best friend Dirk, the handsome alternative-lifestyle hottie who goes out with her hitting the Hollywood nightclub scene & searching for a "duck" (men) together. When a strange turn of events happens, Weetzie has some opportunities to make their dreams come true.
From here we enter into a world completely Weetzie.
Much like the complex yet breezy life one has in Los Angeles.
Evaluation: I will always be a fan of Miss Block for writing this book, and I think that although it was published in the late 1980's it captures a rebellion and spirit that is never dated. Furthermore, it encapsulates a fantasy world that many of us (on the outside) have only dreamt of. A place where everything is o.k. even when its not; where you are with you "family" or "your people"; where your dreams can be materialized without the constraints and judgements of society. I love this novella that became the first book in one of the most influential series in Young Adult Literature. It's still hailed by teens as their favorite novel today!
Bibliotherapeutic Usefulness: While some critiques argue against it, others argue for it on the basis of equal rights, tolerance, and other teen issues worth discussing! Issues dealt with include: Sexuality, AIDS, homosexuality, teen pregnancy, magic, death, and the Hollywood nightclub and punk scene.
Reason this book was chosen: As someone who grew up in Los Angeles I pay special tribute to this book. It has been argued against and critiqued over due to it's controversial topics. Much like Levithan's Boy Meets Boy it creates a safe world where it's ok to be gay and in love.
Francesca's Website: http://www.francescaliablock.com/
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